Sunday, February 27, 2011


In “Tapering: The Critical Interaction of the Art and Science of Coaching”, and article by Greg Wells, he discusses the many facets of tapering in ones workout program.  Tapering is a technique where one the training program is “reduced in a systematic non-linear fashion to achieve a peak in performance” preceding a major competition.  Wells points out that tapering has been shown to yield a 2% - 4% increase in lab performance and competition results.  Tapering allows the athlete to become “well rested and the athletes fitness level is well maintained”.  The overall goal of any periodized plan is the one point where the athlete must compete and perform.  When periodiation is perfect and tapering is incorporated, the athlete will perform optimally on competition day. 
            Tapering should be around a 50-85% in training intensity and should last anywhere from 4 to 21 days.  The high intensity training remains high and recovery time is increased greatly.  When doing these things there is a great physiological effects to many of the bodies systems (neurological, hormonal, hematological, etc…).  Incorporating tapering into your athletes workout program will help to ensure optimal performance on competition day.    

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